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    VR solutions for enterprises

    Virtual reality simulation system of HKD:

    Virtual Environment for Safety Systems Applications - VESSA is a proprietary simulation platform developed by HKD. It establishes a virtual reality environment where roaming and human machine interaction can be performed. The main applications are as follows:

    • Field operator (FOD) station as part of an Operator Training Simulator (OTS)
    • Disassembly of rotating machines
    • Plant inspection training
    • Emergency drills for safety training

    VESSA Application:

    • 3D operation station for OTS: The operators will be able to complete exercises in a simulated, high fidelity 3D representation of the real plant. The 3D model provides the most realistic experience and practice for field operators in the safety of a virtual environment. The 3D simulator can also be dynamically connected to a process model allowing for interactions between field and console operators. Typical uses are: learning the topography and how to make rounds, understanding dangers,and practicing start-ups, shut-downs and all emergency responses.
    • Emergency contingency plan drills for safety: 3D Models provide a computer simulated environment for operator safety training. Operators will acquire the safety knowledge needed and be able to practice drills that reduce safety training costs and keep inexperienced trainees away from the plant until they are ready and qualified. Typical uses are: practicing the execution of all emergency procedures, developing new or modifying existing emergency and non-emergency procedures, identifying escape routes, hazards analysis, and combined exercises with console operators. Additionally, VESSA software features multi-player capabilities. This allows simultaneous interactions among avatars so that trainees work together as a crew in the virtual plant. VESSA can also include disaster models for rendering disaster phenomena, such as fire, leakage, etc..
    • Equipment disassembly drills: Large-scale complex machinery and equipment is costly to maintain. Downtime may also seriously disrupt plant operations and profits. Maintenance personnel usually only have access to equipment specifications and drawings and normally do not have the opportunity to take the equipment apart to learn about the various parts. Using the virtual reality platform it is now possible to disassemble complex equipment in a computer generated 3D environment. This allows personnel to visualize detailed appearance of parts and to learn working principles of the machine.
    Plant overviewPatrol inspection
    3D HMIRendering of Disaster rescue

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